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PI9CAM 25m DishでVoyager 1の信号受信成功!  JA1WQF 笠井三男  Dec/12/2024 


EMEに興味がある方ならば聞き覚えのあるコール PI9CAM オランダDwingelooの
25mDish 退役後国定記念物として、またアマチュアの月面反射通信(主に

現在遥か彼方の星間空間、250億Km先で光速飛行中のVoyager 1の信号受信に成功
Voyager 1を受信できる設備は世界に数例しかなく70m級の大きなDishを使用との


De JA1WQF 笠井


Dear all,

It is a bit off topic, but I proudly forward our pressrelease below
concerning the reception of the Voyager 1 satellite, with our 25m Dish
in Dwingeloo. Considering that Voyager 1 transmits on 8,4 GHz, this is
quite an achievement! Some of us, like Jan PA3FXB and others (me f.i.)
have mentioned the possibility of receiving on such high frequency's
with our dish and now it is a fact!

73, Dick PA2DW
Chairman at the board of Radiotelesope Dwingeloo Foundation (PI9RD)


A team of amateurs has used the historic Dwingeloo radio telescope to
receive signals from the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Only a few telescopes in
the world have received these signals, which are very faint due to the
distance of Voyager 1: almost 25 billion kilometers, more than four
times the distance to Pluto.
Voyager 1 was launched in 1977 to visit the outer planets in the Solar
system. After its primary mission ended, it was sent on a journey out of
the Solar system. It is currently the most distant and fastest
human-made object, traveling in interstellar space. Its radio signals,
traveling at the speed of light, currently need 23 hours to reach Earth.
The Radiotelescope Dwingeloo was built in 1956, by what is now ASTRON,
Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy. Today the telescope is a
national monument, used by amateurs, organized in Stichting
Radiotelescoop Dwingeloo (CAMRAS).
Since the Dwingeloo telescope was designed for observing at lower
frequencies than the 8.4GHz telemetry transmitted by Voyager 1, a new
antenna had to be mounted. At these higher frequencies, the mesh of the
dish is less reflective, making it extra challenging to receive faint
In October this year, Voyager 1 turned off one of its two transmitters.
The NASA JPL flight team has been able to recover the spacecraft, which
is now operating nominally again.
To find the very weak carrier signal in the noise, the team used orbital
predictions of Voyager 1 to correct for the Doppler shift in frequency
caused by motion of Earth and Voyager 1. By doing so, the signal could
be seen live in the telescope observation room (picture 1 in our BLOG).
Later analysis confirmed that the Doppler shift corresponds to that of
Voyager 1 (picture 2).
NASA uses dishes in the Deep-Space Network (DSN) to communicate with
Voyager 1. These dishes, located around the globe in Goldstone, Canberra
and Madrid, are optimized for these higher frequencies and have a
diameter of 70m, much larger than the 25m Dwingeloo Telescope.

High resolution photos and measurements are available in our blog

De JA1WQF 笠井